
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A birthday float down Watauga River

It's been a couple weeks since we made this trip.  I have been lazy and hadn't gotten around to posting it but here it is finally. 

I had taken a couple days off of work for Jordan and Abigayle's birthday.  We had Jordan's party at the lake on Saturday so we decided to make a run down Watauga River on Friday, which was actually Jordan's 17th birthday (happy birthday Jordan!).  Jordan invited a friend of his to go down with us so we all met at Riverside Park in Elizabethton bright and early Friday morning.  We left Aaron's car at the park and took our's to our put in spot up by Siam Bridge. 

This was Aaron's first time kayaking and he was using our spare Flex Vertex 85 Kayak.  We spent a little bit going over a few details before putting in and once on the water we went over a few more things.  Once I felt Aaron was comfortable we got to fishing. 

We made most all of our normal stops along the way and all of us caught several decent trout.  Nothing major happened throughout the day aside from Aaron dropping one of my ultra-lite rods he had borrowed into the water in a nice deep hole.  We tried getting it and although we could see it setting on the bottom about 10 feet below us we just couldn't get to it.  Alas it was only a cheap Wal-mart rod.

On a side note we had warned Aaron several time to put sun screen on several time, which he ignored.  From what I understand he was severely sunburned afterwards.  Maybe next time he will listen to our advice!

All-in-all we had a great time and I am glad the three of us got a chance to go down the river together for Jordan's birthday.  Hopefully we will get a chance to do it again soon.

Watauga River Trip

Here is a track of the trip using EveryTrail on my Google Droid X.

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