
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trip to Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Our three oldest kids were out of town on a church trip so Misty and I decided to take Abby down to Gatlinburg, TN for the weekend. While down there we took a drive into the Smokies and headed to Cades Cove. The weather was great albeit a bit on the hot side. This was actually Abigayle's second time in Cades Cove, although her first time she was only a few weeks old. So I guess it had been five years ago give or take a week or so. Needless to say she didn't remember much about it, however if you ask her she will tell you all about her first time there (the one 5 years ago). Got to love the imagination of a five year old.

We spotted quite a few deer while in the cove and even got to see several bear with their cubs. We also hiked out to Abrams Falls which was a first for all three of us. Abby was a trooper and made it the entire 5 miles round trip with minimal complaining.  The hike itself was not the hardest Misty or I had made before but it had been quite a while since either of us had done any hiking.  I will freely admit that we were both wore out by the end and are feeling it today.  It was all worth it however.  Any time spent with the family like that is always worth every moment.  We saw some beautiful scenery and got some much needed exercise to boot.  Who could ask for more?

After the hike up to the falls we went back to the car and found us a nice spot to have a quick little picnic.  After that we finished the loop through the cove and headed back home.  It was a great little vacation and hopefully we will get a chance to do it again sometime soon with the rest of the family.

Cades Cove Abrams Falls

Here is the track for the hike out to Abrams Falls.

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