
Monday, May 23, 2011

Couple of trips from Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jordan and I left out Saturday morning to do some fishing on Watauga River.  We put in at our normal spot just below Siam Bridge at about 8:30 AM and planned to be at the park in Blackbottom by 3:00 - 3:30 PM.  We didnt get far however before we noticed the water levels rising.  I guess I should have checked the TVA Generation Schedule before heading out.  After only going about a half mile down river, with the water level rising we decided to just make a quick paddle of the river and not try any fishing.  We got to our put out by about 11:30 AM and called my wife to pick us up early.

View 2011-05-21 08:46 in a larger map

Here is a track of our trip.  I forgot to start the recording until we were about half a mile down river so it was a little further than it shows.

After leaving the river we decided to head back to the house and pick up my Flex Vertex kayak that was "injured" a few weeks earlier but had been repaired and take Colton, my youngest son to the lake for his first kayaking experience. We were on the water by about 1:00 PM. We put in from the swimming area on Watauga Lake and paddled along the shore for a ways before crossing the lake and then landing on a small island. After returning to the swimming area we played around with swamping the kayaks and recovering while still in the water. We had a good time and although Colton was a little nervous out on the water, he did pretty well.

I hope to do this more this summer and Jordan and I are thinking about paddling out to one of the larger islands and camping over night.

View 2011-05-21 12:58 in a larger map

Here is our track from Watauga Lake.

In all it was a little over 8 miles on the water for the day.

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