
Monday, May 23, 2011

My Tracks for Google Android phones

I am currently using a Motorola Droid X as my mobile phone and carry it pretty much everywhere I go, including in my kayak while paddling and fishing the local rivers and lakes.  I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a way of tracking our routes while we are on the water and ran across My Tracks in the Android Market.  It is a free app and so far works great. 

Battery consumption is only slightly above normal for me but I don't normally have the GPS enabled on my phone if I am not using it.  It is fairly simple to use.  Just start the app, and select "Record Track" in the menu to start recording.  Select "Stop Recording" when you are done.

You can upload the tracks straight to your Google account and then export them to a KML file for use in Google Earth or simply view them in Google Maps from your account.  You can also send the tracks to friends via email. 

So far my only complaint is not having the ability to take photos while recording and have them linked to the coordinates within your track.  It does however allow you to place markers along your track with notes so you could mention in the notes that you took a photo.  Other than that it is a great app worth having. 

I will be using it a lot this summer while kayaking and hiking with the family.

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